Bazeecha-e-itfal hai duniya meray aage Hota hai shab-o-roz tamasha meray aage

آج مرزا غالب کی وفات کا دن ھے ۔ آج کا دن انہی کے نام
مرزا غالب کا تعا رف
پیدائشی نام اسد اللہ بیگ خاں
قلمی نام مرزا غالب
تخلص اسد
ولادت 27 دسمبر 1797ء، آگرہ
ابتدا آگرہ
وفات 15 فروری 1869ء
اصناف ادب شاعری
ذیلی اصناف غزل
ان کے لئے دعائے مغفرت---- انا للہ و اان الیہ راجعون
Bazeecha-e-itfal hai duniya meray aage
Hota hai shab-o-roz tamasha meray aage
(The world is a children’s playground before me
Night and Day, this theatre is enacted before me)
Ek khel hai aurang-e-Suleman meray nazdeek
Ek baat hai aijaz-e-Masiha meray aage
(For me the flying throne of Solomon is a game
And only talk, the miracles of Christ before me)
Juz naam nahin surat-e-aalam mujhe manzoor
Juz waham nahin hasti-e-ashia meray aage
(I acknowledge the face of the universe as only a name
The substance of reality is but superstition before me)
Hota hai nihan gard mein sahra meray hote
Ghista hai jabeen khaak pe dariya meray aage
(Next to me, the wilderness is shamed into hiding in dust
The servile river grovels in the dust before me)
Mat pooch ke kya haal hai mera teray peechey
Tu dekh ke kya rang gait era meray aage
(Do not ask what my condition is without you
Just look at your own comportment before me)
Sach kahte ho khud bin-o-khud aara hoon, na kyun hoon
Baitha hai but-e-aaina seema meray aage
(True, I appear consumed by the niceties of adornment, but of course
An idol mirrors my reflection before me)
Phir dekhiye andaaz-e-gul afshaani-e-guftaar
Rakh de koi paimana-o-sahba meray aage
(Then witness the blossoming manner of speech
Just place a decanter of wine before me)
Nafrat ke gumaan guzre hai main rashk se guzra
Kyunkar kahoon lo naam na unka meray aage
(I was presumed hostile where I am merely jealous
Why should I say do not take that name before me)
Imaan mujhe roke hai jo kheenche hai mujhe kufr
Kaaba mere peechhe hai kalisa meray aage
(Faith retards me, where idols lure me
Kaaba is behind me, the church is before me)
Aashiq hoon pah mashooq farebi hai miraa kaam
Majnun ko bura kahti hai Laila meray aage
(I desire, my craft is to seduce the desired
The beloved Laila insults the lover Majnun before me)
Khush hote hai par wasl mein yun mar nahin jaate
Aai shab-e-hijran ki tamanna meray aage
(Joy prevails, but union need not signal death
Yearnings of the dark night of my soul came before me)
Hai mauj-zan ik qulzum-e-khoon kaash yahi ho
Aata hai abhi dekhiye kya kya meray aage
(Tears of blood create oceans of blood, if only this were it
And yet, what unknown fates must I still behold before me)
Go haath ko jumbish nahin aankhon mein toh dum hai
Rahne do abhi saaghar-o-meena meray aage
(Even when hands have no movement, sight retains vitality
So leave the accoutrements of wine before me)
Hum-pesha-o-hum-mashrab-o-humraaz hai mera
Ghalib ko bura kyun kaho achha meray aage
(He is my comrade, my confidant, my fellow carouser
Do not speak ill of him, Ghalib is good before me


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